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Extending a Shallow Jeans Pocket [How to Make Pockets Deeper]

Why would you want to extend a shallow jeans pocket? The number one reason is to keep your mobile phone or wallet safe and secure. Most of us have had the problem where the pocket is not deep enough and the phone falls out and gets damaged or, even worse, lost. Having the phone or wallet poking out of a back or front pocket also makes you a target of pickpockets.  These days our whole digital life is tied to our phone, and we take it wherever we go. I’ll show you a quick solution that only take a small piece of fabric and a few minutes.

Below you will find my step by step written tutorial with VIDEO instructions for all the visual learners.

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How to make pocket deeper

Supplies and tools

extending jeans and pants pockets - supplies

  • the pair of jeans that needs deeper pockets
  • fabric – a piece of white or off-white cotton fabric
  • matching thread
  • scissors
  • ruler or measuring tape
  • sewing clips or pins

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How to Extend a shallow jeans or pants pocket

Watch the diy: extending tiny jeans pockets video first and then follow the written step by step instructions below. Many pants have very shallow pockets. Here’s a tip on how to get pants with deeper pockets.
Please enjoy and don’t forget to Like and SUBSCRIBE over on YouTube to be kept up to date with new videos as they come out.

How to Make the Pockets in Your Jeans Deeper VIDEO TUTORIAL



Turn the jeans inside out. With the front of the jeans facing upwards on your worktop, check how far down you want the phone to be in your pocket. Measure your phone and work out how much length you need to add for it to sit comfortably in the pocket. For example let’s say I need to add 5 inches (13 cm).


Measure the width of the pocket, for example let’s say it is 6.5 inches (16.5 cm) wide. Snip off the seam at the bottom of the jeans pocket you want to use. The pocket of choice  may vary depending on whether you are left or right handed, whatever side suits you better to easily reach for your phone or wallet.


Cut a piece of matching cotton fabric to double the length you measured. In our example it was 5 inches (13 cm) x 2, plus an extra ½ inch (1.2 cm) to allow for a seam allowance. The pocket piece in this example will then be 10 ½ inches (27.2 cm) long and the width of the pocket – in our example 6.5 inches (16.5 cm) plus ½ inch (1.2 cm) making a total of 7 inches (17.7cm)


Fold the pocket piece in half and stitch along the sides ¼ of an inch (6mm) from the edge, back tacking at the start and finish of each seam.


Turn the pocket extension the right way out and slip it inside the jeans pocket you want to use. Line up carefully and pin in place.


Stitch around the edge to join the pocket extension using a ¼ inch (6mm) seam allowance. You can use your zipper foot to get as close to the side seam where the original pocket is sewn into the jeans seam.


Pull the extra pocket piece down and smooth it out before hand stitching the corner of the extra pocket piece to the seam of the jeans.

Now you are all ready to use your extra deep pocket and store your phone safely out of the view of potential thieves, and away from the danger of falling out of your pocket.


I hope you liked the tutorial exactly how to extend a jeans pocket to keep your wallet or phone out of view of pickpockets, and away from the danger of falling out when you move around. I showed you how to measure, cut the extra pocket piece and join it to your existing jeans pocket within minutes. If you would like more tutorials like this delivered straight to your inbox then please hit the subscribe button. And if anyone you know has lost a wallet or a phone because their pocket wasn’t deep enough then you need to share this with them!

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