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Staircase quilt patterns

Staircase baby quilt pattern

Staircase baby quilt pattern

Here’s a beautiful and colorful quilt that features a 12 x 12 grid of blocks made up of one white and one colored rectangle joined by their long sides and arranged to alternate in orientation and produce a staircase design with diagonal zig-zag lines that alternate between solid white and multicolored

by Abrightcorner

Staircase quilt block

Staircase quilt block

Inventive but simple quilting patterns like this one are fun to look at and to make from scratch because you get to put together a bunch of half-square triangles made up of four different colors and set to form a depiction of a staircase with eight steps on a white background and a blue foreground.

by Quiltersgilde



Here comes one of those quilt patterns that can make you a bit dizzy with its 4 x 6 grid of bright magenta blocks that have three squares inside one another and a black and white staircase design that splits it in half diagonally so the bottom half is slightly darker than the top half.

by Mywebquilter

Endless stairs quilt block

Endless stairs quilt block

You’ll be able to make a lot of creative projects with this basic patchwork block that consists of four smaller blocks made up of two rectangles in contrasting colors set into two rows so they alternate in orientation and create a base for a bigger staircase design.

by Createwhimsy

Stairway to heaven

Stairway to heaven

Quilting just got more colorful and fun with this staircase design that has nine diagonal zig-zag lines made from white fabric cut up into narrow rectangles and many vibrant squares in various colors between them that match in colors diagonally and make a gradient change of hues.

by Quiltingintherain

Simple staircase block pattern

Simple staircase block pattern

No need to use complex sewing techniques for this one, just cut up a bright fabric and a dark fabric into identical rectangles and join two contrasting pieces at their long edges, then arrange them into a block so there are two contrasting Z letters in the center of the block.

by Empirebom

Stair stack quilt

Here’s a staircase design that’s a bit different from most of the patterns in its category, since it features three rows with thin rectangles arranged to match in colors diagonally and make short colorful steps, placed on a pastel background with thin red horizontal lines on the gaps between the colorful rows.

get the pattern HERE

Baby stair quilt

Small but charming, this lovely baby quilt that’s ideal for covering your legs while sitting shows how to cleverly use fabric pieces in bright but contrasting colors to create a beautiful staircase design that has seven thick diagonal zig-zag lines that alternate between the five different vivid colors.

get the pattern HERE


What do you think, did one of these quilt patterns already pique your interest? Which one will you make first? Be a good sport and come back to share your experiences with sewing them in the comments below! And don’t forget that you can receive our newsletter if you subscribe to the mailing list. Enjoy making gorgeous staircase design quilts!

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