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Funny Sewing Memes You Can Achingly Relate To

I love funny sewing memes. Finding a good one is like hitting the jackpot! There are so many quilting and sewing memes that literally make me laugh out loud because I can totally relate. Are you are as obsessed with sewing as I am? So, if:

  • your blood boils when someone tries to use your fabric scissors to cut paper
  • your fabric stash over taking your house;
  • your sewing room is always messy;
  • you live and breathe sewing

..then you’ll surely enjoy today’s roundup of my hilarious sewing memes. From fabric hoarding to thread and fabric scissors memes, these are sew funny, they totally crack me up.

Funny sewing images that will brighten your day:

Sewaholic on the road to recovery be like

sewaholic on the road to recovery meme

The definition of sewciopath

sewciopath - person with fabric disorder meme

You know you are a DIYer when this happens once again

why buy when you can make- sewing meme

Fabric memes:

The definition of happiness for us sewists be like:

you cant buy happiness - fabric meme

Husband waiting for wife who just popped in the fabric shop real quick to get a spool of thread be like:

waiting wife in fabric shop - fabric meme

Do you buy fabric for a specific project you have in mind or you buy fabric because it’s pretty, on sale, you have a coupon you need to use, it’s calling your name

how i buy fabric meme

My sewing room is not messy!

sewing room meme

Sewing is not just a hobby..

sewing is not a hobby meme

Housework can wait!

I'd rather be sewing meme

Pins and needles meme:

Life or death situation: Find it or it’s going to stab you

pins and needles meme

Thread meme:

When you start a new project and you have a full bobbin in matching color. Sew amazing!

happiness is a full bobbin - thread meme

Quilting memes:

quilting meme

Hope you guys liked my collection of funny sewing images, I will keep it updated as I stumble across new ones.

Pin it to circle back later:

hilarious sewing memes

It’s your turn now. Which is your favorite sewing meme? Tell me in the comments down below

Also don’t forget to share the fun with your friends!


Click Here to Leave a Comment Below 7 comments
Linda - November 8, 2021

I love the pie chart … totally me.

Bonnie - November 8, 2021

Loved them all.

You know you are a sewist when people in grocery line are picking short threads of you.

Gail Backer - January 8, 2022

I love the Yoda one.

Dottie Weirich - January 8, 2022

Thank you for all you share, it’s nice & useful!

Linda Carter - September 26, 2022

My husband taped the skeleton picture over the door to my sewing room, again at my cutting table and AGAIN at my ironing board. He claims it takes me less time to make a shirt, than to sew on one of his buttons. Of course, the shirt is for ME.

    Helen - September 26, 2022

    That made my day. I feel sorry for him.
    Do you think he deserves a shirt? You can probably go fabric shopping together 😀

    Susan - October 2, 2022

    I’d rather make a shirt than sew on a button or mend something. Yuk!


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