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Easy Microwave Potato Bag Instructions – Perfect Baked Potatoes in Minutes

Did you know that potatoes have almost all the nutrients your body needs? The ones it doesn’t provide are found in milk, so you could easily live off potatoes and milk!

Fun facts aside, if you love potatoes, you probably already know a lot of different ways to cook them up. And if you like clean, quick and neat methods, in particular, this microwave potato bag will be perfect for you!

microwave potato bag with 3 potatoes

With a microwave baked potato bag like this one, you can cook potatoes easily, quickly, and without any mess! You can also use it to prepare other vegetables you like, or even bread and tortillas.

The great thing about this baked potato bag is how easy to make it is. It takes less than twenty minutes and you don’t even need a pattern! Here’s a step-by-step explanation of how to sew a microwave potato bag.

baked potato bag close up

Below you will find my step by step written tutorial how to make a veggies bag you can use in the microwave. It’s complete with VIDEO instructions for all the visual learners.

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How to make a microwave potato bag

Baked potato bag Supplies and tools

supplies needed to make the microwave potato bag

Notes: EVERYTHING that goes in the microwave should be 100% cotton. Make sure not to leave the potato bag in the microwave without supervision.

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How to Sew baked potato bag for the microwave

Watch the diy baked potato bag video first and then follow the written step by step instructions below.
Please enjoy and don’t forget to Like and SUBSCRIBE over on YouTube to be kept up to date with new videos as they come out.

Microwave Baked Potato Bag VIDEO TUTORIAL


STEP 1: Cut the fabrics – no microwave potato bag pattern needed

For this project, you will need to use 100 percent cotton fabrics. This is extremely important because you’ll be putting them under a lot of heat, so if they aren’t pure cotton they could melt or even catch fire.

Take all three fabrics, the main, the lining, and the batting, and cut them into a 10×22 inches piece each. These are all simple rectangles, so you don’t even need a microwave potato bag pattern to whip up this.

making of the microwave potato bag - cutting fabrics

STEP 2: Stack the fabrics

Take the batting piece first and place it onto your workspace so that the long sides are on the top and bottom, while the short sides are on the left and right.

Set the lining piece over the batting, making sure that the right side is facing up. Align all of the edges of the two layers.

The topmost layer will be the main fabric. Place it over the two layers so that its right side is facing down, towards the lining. Align all of the edges and secure the layers together with pins or clips.

microwave potato bag - how to stack the fabrics before sewing

STEP 3: Start sewing the microwave potato bag

Take the fabric sandwich to your sewing machine and sew all around the edges with a quarter-inch seam allowance.

Be sure to do some backstitching at the beginning of the seam as well as the end of it. When you reach the corners, don’t break the thread. Stop the needle when it’s down and just pivot the fabric. Then keep sewing along the next edge.

You will need to leave a section of about two inches unstitched so that you can turn the bag inside-out. I suggest you leave that bit on one of the short edges of the bag.

microwave potato bag stitching lines

STEP 4: Turn and pin the microwave potato bag

Before you turn the bag, clip the corners a bit with your scissors to prevent bulk on them when you turn them.

Use the opening you left unstitched to turn the bag inside-out. Pay attention to turn it properly, you need to grab the insides between the lining and the main fabric!

turning the microwave potato bag right side out

Push out all the edges and the corners.

Fold the raw edges of the gap in by 1/4 inch and pin the gap.

STEP 5: Press and Topstitch

Press the bag with an iron. Topstitch all around the microwave baked potato bag with a scant 1/8″ (3mm) seam allowance. This will also stitch the gap closed.

pressing the microwave potato bag

Alternative ways to stitch the gap closed

You can do this in two ways and both of them are equally good, so just go with the one you like more.

The first way to close the opening is to use a needle and a thread and sew the opening shut with a ladder stitch.

The second way is to use a sewing machine and make a seam over the opening. If you choose this method, don’t forget to fold the raw edges inward a bit and press them with your iron before you start sewing. Use an eighth-inch seam allowance for this stitch.

STEP 6: Mark the folds of the bag

Spread the bag on your workspace so that the short edges are on the left and right and that the lining is facing upward.

Take your measuring tape or a ruler and measure 7.5 inches from the bottom of the bag. Make a vertical line at that point with a fabric pen or a sewist chalk.

Now measure 3 inches away from the top edge. Draw a horizontal line here as well.

marking the fold lines of the microwave potato bag

STEP 7: Fold and finish the baked potato bag

Pull the right edge of the bag towards the left, to the first marking you made, and make a fold. Then pull the left edge towards the right, to the other marking you drew, and make another fold.

folding the microwave potato bag

Take some pins or clips and secure the folds in place.

microwave potato bag with pinned sides

The last thing you’ll do is sew the folds in place. Make a seam along the two open edges to form the bag. You can use any stitch you want for this, even the decorative one.

Your new microwave potato bag is now finished!

microwave potato bag with raw potatoes inside

Bonus: How to use the microwave potato bag:

This bag isn’t just for preparing potatoes, you can also use it for other microwave specialties as well. It’s important that you don’t use the preset cycles on your microwave. Instead, set the temperature high and follow our list that tells how long you should cook certain foods.

Don’t forget to wash and dry the vegetables before preparing them. You can also use damp paper towels and wrap the vegetables in them to reduce clean-up times.

how to use a baked potato bag in the microwave

Cooking time:

  • Dinner rolls – 15 seconds
  • Tortillas –  1 to 2 minutes
  • 3 Medium bread rolls – 20 seconds
  • Winter squash – 4 to 5 minutes
  • 2 Large corn cobs – 6 minutes
  • 2 Large red potatoes – 8 minutes
  • 2 Medium sweet potatoes – 10 minutes

Note: The three last items on the list shouldn’t be in the microwave longer than four minutes at a time, so break up the preparing process into two or more sessions.

microwave baked potato bag in use

Did you like our tutorial? We hope you were able to make yourself a new microwave potato bag! Let us know if you have any ideas on how to improve this quick project in the comment section below. Enjoy those tasty microwave potatoes!

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How to make a microwave potato bag tutorial

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Click Here to Leave a Comment Below 26 comments
Of Goats and Greens - April 1, 2021

Really – a cool idea! Didn’t expect this! Thanks for sharing with the folks at Fiesta Friday!

April Harris - April 4, 2021

I love this frugal, sustainable, creative idea! Thank you for sharing and for being a part of the Hearth and Soul Link Party Community. I’m featuring this post at the party this week. Hope to ‘see’ you there! Take care, stay well, and I wish you a wonderful week!

Julie - April 4, 2021

Pretty and practical. I love projects that are both! This is a feature over at Handmade Monday 🙂

Shelbee on the Edge - April 5, 2021

This is genius! I have been getting a bit more creative with a needle and thread lately. I think I may have to invest in small portable sewing machine soon! Thanks for sharing your fun ideas.


Donna @ Modern on Monticello - April 6, 2021

A former coworker made me one of these several years ago and it works great. These are such a good idea. Thanks for continuing to visit every week and sharing such great ideas. #HomeMattersParty

Sarita - April 7, 2021

I have never heard of this but will have to give it a try! Thanks for sharing!

Barbara R Quinn - April 9, 2021

I really do like this for nice “no clean-up”

    Helen - April 10, 2021

    I’m all about finding lazy ways to do something. I love the taste of the potatos and how fast I can make them

Terry Crylen - April 30, 2021

Wow. That looks good and delicious, I’d love to try this!

Dianne Clausmann - June 26, 2021

Hi… what thickness of batting do you recommend? Is there a brand you prefer and/or can recommend?

Pat Donhardt - October 2, 2021

I googled to find a pattern. This one seems so simple. My class will love it. I’m mostly concerned about the safety in the micro. I use the bowl cozies all the time without a problem but I have seen some fire horror story posts on those as well. I agree with you on the 100% cotton, however, if the 100% batting has scrim, it has a synthetic film on it. Many don’t realize this because it simply states 100% batting with scrim and they think cotton only. I think it would be good to mention this. I know wrap ‘n zap is truly 100% cotton. I called Mountain Mist to find out about their Rose batting since it didn’t mention scrim. There is none. If you don’t want to mention a product, you might suggest they contact the manufacturer. So glad you said cotton thread too. People just don’t think it completely through down to the thread. Nice presentation. Thanks for sharing it.

    Kathy Young - August 17, 2022

    I make bowl cozies too, some from donated fabric. I tested a tiny scrap of each in the microwave for 6 minutes. I stopped and removed any that started to turn brown. BE SURE before you use anything that might not be 100% cotton.

    Helen - August 18, 2022

    That’s a great tip, Kathy! It never occurred to me that I can test scraps for so long

Robyn - January 12, 2022

I wish you would provide a print option without all the ads, etc for your readers.

    Helen - January 15, 2022

    It’s on my to do list, but unfortunately this is not a feature that is simple to add

    Kathy Young - August 17, 2022

    Ads are what pay for the site, so it’s free.

    Christine - November 13, 2022

    I open Word, copy and paste the details I want and print – or you could save as you wish. Doesn’t take more that a minute or two.

Sharon - March 2, 2022

Thank you for posting and giving us great directions!!

    Helen - March 3, 2022

    You are welcome, Sharon. It’s lovely to hear you like my tutorial so much

LINDA - April 16, 2022

I have made 100 of these i sold them at craft shows lost my pattern and have been winging it so thank you for your pattern was the one i sed thanksnagainn Linda

Patti - August 17, 2022

I’ve made several bags and am frustrated. I ensure that they are all cotton!! yet they are starting to burn and if left in the microwave long enough I know that they will catch on fire. There have been a few crunchy spot that look burned. Smell burned too. What the heck is going on? Has anyone else had the same problem?

    Helen - August 18, 2022

    I would try a scrap of each material in the microwave (fabric, batting, thread). One of the readers above suggested to set the microwave to 6 minutes. Keep an eye on it and remove anything that starts turning brown.

Kathy - August 17, 2022

Does this make the potato cook faster?

    Helen - August 18, 2022

    It’s faster than the oven for sure

Ann - November 1, 2022

On step 7 I think you reversed the left and right. Great idea and will make soon

    Helen - November 3, 2022

    You’ve got a sharp eye, Ann! I’ve just updated the article
    Thank you for pointing it out!


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