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Cute Fabric Easter Egg + Free Sewing Pattern and VIDEO Tutorial

Jazz up your Easter home décor with fabulous fabric Easter eggs. They are super easy to make and work wonderfully in all kids of Easter home décor arrangements. Be warned though, making them is addictive! You can’t just stop at making a single fabric egg. The bright side is that the Easter egg pattern calls for such a small amount of fabric, that they are super quick and easy to sew.

These DIY fabric eggs are also great to use for an easter egg hunt. They are guaranteed to provide tons of fun – after all what is not to like about a fun Easter egg plushie? No more worries that the little ones will break the Easter eggs a bit too early.

diy fabric easter eggs

The best thing about those fabric eggs is that they can never go wrong. But.. you will not be able to eat them either. Let’s get started on this easy Easter home décor craft.

Below you will find my step by step written tutorial for the egg plush pattern and full VIDEO instructions for all the visual learners.

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How to Make a Fabric Easter Egg

Fabric Easter Eggs Supplies and tools

easter egg pattern and suplies

DOWNLOAD: Fabric Egg sewing pattern (Free PDF file)

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How to Sew Fabric Eggs

Watch the diy fabric eggs video first and then follow the written step by step instructions below.
Please enjoy and don’t forget to Like and SUBSCRIBE over on YouTube to be kept up to date with new videos as they come out.



STEP 1: Download and cut out the Easter egg pattern

Download our free fabric egg pattern from the link above. Make sure to print it out at 100 % (no scaling at all, so that you get the correct sizing). Measure the test line to ensure it printed correctly. Cut around the easter egg pattern. This simple egg quarter template is all you need to sew an easter egg.

Seam allowance is ¼” (6mm) and is already included.

free easter egg template

TIP: Prepare your fabric – wash, dry and PRESS it in advance, as you will not be able to press the egg once its formed.

STEP 2: Cut the fabric

Cut out 4 pieces of fabric according to the Easter egg pattern. The easiest and quickest way to do that is to fold the fabric in fourth, with right sides together.egg plush pattern - fabrics pinned to the easter egg template

Pin the egg pattern to the fabric using could of pins and cut it out. You will end up with four egg quarters. These simple fabric pieces are all you need to make the fabric egg plush. It takes very little fabric, so you can even use up some of the scraps. Some of my readers shared they love their Easter eggs to be as colorful as possible, so they used 2 different fabrics per fabric egg. It does not matter whether you will place the egg template on the grain or on the bias, you just need to fit it on the fabric.

4 fabric pieces that are needed to make fabric egg

STEP 3: Layer fabrics

Take two of the egg quarters and place them on top of each other, with their right sides together. Note that the top of the egg template is a little bit pointier than the bottom. You want to keep all the tops together and all of the bottoms together.

Repeat for the remaining 2 egg pieces

layering the fabrics to make the easter egg halves

STEP 4: Pin

Pin each of the egg halves in place

stitching lines of the easter egg halves

STEP 5: Stitch the fabric egg halves

Stitch down the right side of each half egg using a quarter of an inch seam allowance. I would recommend you to use smaller stitches as it is just easier for the machine to turn corners when using smaller stitches, than if using larger stitches.

Trim down the seam allowance with sharp scissors OR clip it. You don’t need to measure this, just trim a bit of the extra fabric. This step is optional, but it will allow the fabric egg to look even better.

trimming seam allowance of the fabric egg halves

STEP 6: Assemble the fabric egg

Take the two egg halves and turn around one of them. Use your fingers to push out the seam allowance, then slide it into the other. You need to place the egg halves right sides together.

assembling the easter egg

STEP 7: Pin around the fabric easter egg

Match the seam allowances on the top and the bottom of the egg. Fingerpress seams in opposite directions. Make sure one seam goes in one direction and the other seam in the opposite direction. This will nestle those seams together and will prevent unnecessary bulk at the seams. Pin everything in place.

easter egg fabric sewing lines

STEP 8: Sew around

Sew around the fabric egg, and leave an 1 ½ inch gap for turning

STEP 9: Trim and turn inside out

Trim the seam allowance all around the easter egg, but don’t trim the gap. Why? Because if you trim it down, it will be really difficult to stitch it closed later

Turn the fabric egg around and push out all seams using your fingertips. Taking the time to do this guarantees your fabric egg would look its best.

STEP 10: Stuff the egg with stuffing

Stuff it to your liking. I’d like the stuffing to be fairly firm as it pushes out the seam allowances

stuffing the fabric egg

STEP 11: Stitch the gap

Hand sew the fabric Easter egg using a ladder (invisible) stitch.

sewing egg using the ladder stitch

Your Easter egg plush is ready

Sew enough fabric eggs to fill a basket!

These fabric Easter eggs are such an eye candy, and work wonderfully in all kids of Easter home décor arrangements. You can give an easter egg plush to each of the kiddos or include them in the easter egg hunt

I hope you liked our DIY fabric easter egg pattern and tutorial. If so, share with your friends and family both in person and on social media!


Do you like our Easter egg pattern and tutorial? Pin for later:

How to make fabric Easter eggs (VIDEO)

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Click Here to Leave a Comment Below 14 comments
Rosie - March 5, 2021

Wow these are so cute and colourful x #PoCoLo

Kimberly Dsouza - March 6, 2021

So cute! For a minute I thought they were real Easter Eggs 🙂
Thanks for sharing this at the #HomeMattersParty

angie - March 7, 2021

love them so decorative awesome to use at Easter Time or really any time with country theme
come see us at

Shelbee on the Edge - March 7, 2021

These are so much better and cuter than those awful store bought plastic eggs! I really like this idea! Thanks for sharing and linking!


Maureen - March 7, 2021

These look so cute! I love how you can make many different unique ones. Thanks for the tutorial!

Maureen |

Beth - March 9, 2021

Love your Cute Fabric Easter Eggs, Helen and we will be featuring them at the Creative Crafts Linky Party. Thanks for joining in the FUN!

Ann Butler - March 10, 2021

I LOVE these, thanks for being a part of our Linky Party this week, I chose your project as my feature of the week! ~ Ann

    Helen - March 11, 2021

    I’m thrilled to hear that. Thank you so much, Ann

Niky - March 10, 2021

These are so cute! I love the fabrics you chose! Thanks for sharing on Sundays on Silverado!


Stephanie 139a - March 11, 2021

These are great – thanks for sharing them with us at #PoCoLo

Naush Samama - March 15, 2021

These are so stinkin cute !! Love the cutsie patterns too.
Thank you for sharing with us at Meraki Link Party. We’re delighted that you joined the party.
Much love

kristie - March 21, 2021

Hey Helen,
Your gorgeous eggs are being featurted on the Little Cottage Link Party tomorrow! See you then.

    Helen - March 22, 2021

    I’m delighted to hear that. Thank you so much for the double feature, Kristie! I’m all smiles

- March 20, 2023

Put catnip in while stuffing and you have an Easter cat toy ????


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