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DIY Face Mask Carrying Pouch (FREE pattern + VIDEO)

I can’t remember how many times I had to return from the store to my car to pick up the face mask I forgot. After getting mad at myself too many times that I care to count..

I came up with a solution.. A simple face mask carrying case that attached to a keyring was the solution to my problem. The face mask pouch will stay clean on the inside, so you don’t need to worry about the mask getting dirty.

With this face mask keychain case pattern, you can make a convenient bag holder that will be easy to wear on your purse or in your pocket.

Follow the steps in this tutorial to learn how to make a face mask pouch in minutes.

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How to make face mask carry pouch

Supplies and tools

When you prepare all that, you can proceed to the next step.

DOWNLOAD: Face mask pouch sewing pattern (Free PDF file)

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How To Sew face mask pouch

Watch the diy face mask pouch video first and then follow the written step by step instructions below.
Please enjoy and don’t forget to Like and SUBSCRIBE over on YouTube to be kept up to date with new videos as they come out.

Face Mask keychain holder VIDEO TUTORIAL


STEP 1: Prepare the pattern for use

Download the pattern and print it out at 100% on US letter paper (no scaling). The pattern has two parts, one for the bag and the other for the loop holder.
Cut out any excess paper, and your pattern will be ready for action.

STEP 2: Cut out the fabric

Fold the main fabric in half and place the pattern on the fold. Cut out the fabric according to the bigger pattern piece.

Cut out the loop holder according to the smaller pattern piece.

TIP: Wash the fabric thoroughly and press it flat with your iron before you start sewing. This will prevent the fabric from shrinking or deforming later on when you wash it for the first time.

STEP 3: Prepare the main fabric piece

Lay the larger fabric piece so that the wrong side is up. Transfer the fold lines on both sides of the fabric. Fold twice according to the fold lines and pin.

Repeat the same process on the other short edge.


STEP 4: Prepare the loop holder

Lay the small fabric piece so that its wrong side is up. Fold it in half lengthwise and press with your iron.
Unfold the fabric piece and fold again, but this time, up to the crease in the middle. Fold towards the crease from the top and bottom. Press flat.
To finish it up, fold once more in half lengthwise, and press flat. You will get a small fabric strap with four layers. Pin.

STEP 5: Sew

Make a stitch along the two folded edges on the bigger fabric piece.Finish the raw edges with a zig zag stitch.

Make a stitch across the small fabric piece as well.

STEP 6: Prepare the face mask holder for sewing

Lay the bigger fabric piece so that its right side is up. Transfer the loop holder placement from the pattern or just fold one of its shorter edges towards the right side for about 2 inches, and press flat with your iron.

Put the smaller fabric piece inside the fold, next to the crease. Align one of its short edges with the long edge of the bigger fabric piece. Secure everything with pins or clips.

Now fold the other short side of the bigger fabric piece, aligning its edge with the edge of the small fabric piece on the inside of the fold.

Secure everything with pins or clips.

STEP 7: Sew

Make a stitch along both short edges of the face mask keyring pouch. Backstitch at the beginning and the end of your seams, as well as over the top and bottom flaps

STEP 8: Finish the mask holder DIY

Clip the corners at an angle with scissors. Turn the face mask pouch inside-out through the opening. Push out the corners with your fingers or with a blunt end of a pencil.
Press everything flat on the ironing board.

Your face mask keyring holder is now complete!
You can attach a keychain ring to the pouch and hook it to your bag or pocket. Insert your favorite face mask inside and you are all set!

Face Mask pouch OPTIONS:

  1. ADD LOBSTER CLIP – Attach a lobster clip before you sew in the loop holder at step 5

Did you find the tutorial useful? Make sure to try sewing a face mask pouch for yourself. If you notice something that could be improved, share your ideas with everyone in the comment section below! Stay safe and act responsibly, wear a face mask!

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Click Here to Leave a Comment Below 28 comments
Maureen - August 19, 2020

What a great idea! I have had forgotten my masks too and I agree a pouch is perfect not only to hold but also as a reminder. I don’t have a sewing machine. Do you think this can be done by hand?

Maureen |

    Helen - August 20, 2020

    You can totally sew it by hand. It has just 4 straight seams and you can skip finishing the edges, or just whip stitch them 🙂

Craft Attic Resources - August 21, 2020

I’ve been using a plastic baggie but yours is much nicer.

    Helen - August 25, 2020

    I used to do the same, but the masks just ended on the bottom of my bag burried under a pile of ‘stuff’.

Margy - August 21, 2020

I challenged my sewing skills using my mother’s machine that she left me to make masks for me and my husband. I didn’t think I could handle pockets so I did just the pleated version. I also couldn’t buy elastic so I had to cut a wider size down and it still tends to fray. – Margy

    Helen - August 25, 2020

    I have 13 different mask patterns, and come of these are really easy. Just try a couple when you find the time. As for the elastic – did you know that you can use t-shirt ties and they are really comfortable. Just cut up 1 inch wide strips from an old t-shirt. Watch the video here to see how easy is to make these ties

Marielle - August 22, 2020

I saw your link on the Friday Favorites Link Up. This is such a great idea! I always forget my mask. Thanks for sharing.

Julie - August 23, 2020

What a great idea, I try to keep a mask in my pocket and handbag as well as the car but still manage to find myself without one sometimes! It’s just taking time to learn a new routine I think. This idea will really help with that. It’ll be one of the features at Handmade Monday later today 🙂

Jhuls @ The Not So Creative Cook - August 24, 2020

OMG! What a wonderful idea!! Thanks for the video tutorial and for sharing to us at this week’s Fiesta Friday party!

Ann - August 25, 2020

This is a very clever idea. Thank you for sharing at Party In Your PJ’s!

chickenruby - August 25, 2020

Thank you for sharing this, I will book mark to make one for myself
Thanks for linking with #pocolo and hope to see you back later this week

Michelle - August 25, 2020

What a good idea! Thanks for sharing with Creative Compulsions.


Meg Daves - August 26, 2020

We are so excited that you participated! Thank you for sharing your creativity! This is so cute!

Ann Butler - August 26, 2020

Thank you for participating in our linky party!

Sherry - September 6, 2020

I love the face mask keychain pouch. The tutorial is also fabulous, only one problem. I don’t have a printer. What are the measurements for the pouch? I would really appreciate them. Thanks

    Cathy - November 5, 2020

    I know your question was quite some time ago and maybe someone else has answered you or you figured it out…. but I just measured it for you.:)

    Cutting size:
    Pouch- 5.5″ X 6″ (6″ side on the fold)
    Loop- 1.75″ X 3″

Penelope - September 26, 2020


Any chance you could make the pattern available for DL and print on A4 paper too? US letter paper isn’t available in Australia and I would love to make some of these as gifts for my friends in lockdown. Thanks

    Helen - September 26, 2020

    Hi Penelope, this pattern is very forgiving and the difference is tiny, so you can print it on A4 without any problems

Christine - December 6, 2020

Thanks so much for the face mask pouch pattern. I just made two amd they turned out perfectly following your instructions. Typically I would use a plastic bag to store my mask so it’s nice to have a reusable pouch.

    Helen - December 6, 2020

    Thank you for sharing your experience! I’m thrilled to hear that your pouches turned out so good

Carole F - January 17, 2021

I’m confused when you say “make a stitch”. Do you mean one stitch (“a stitch”) to keep it in place, or to sew all along the side? Please make this clearer thanks.

    Helen - March 19, 2021

    Hi Carole, it means that you need to sew all along the side. I’ll update the text to make it more clear.

Crystal - March 18, 2021

I love the fabric. What is called? Where can I find it? Thank you

    Helen - March 19, 2021

    Hi Crystal – this exact fabric was purchased at least an year ago from a small local store. I have linked to similar fabrics in the supplies and tools section. You can add floral in the search bar and there are some really cool fabrics you can get

Josie Varela - June 30, 2021

What size of clips do you use ? Where can I buy some ?

Stephanie - July 28, 2021

Thank You So Soo much the pattern… this was super easy to make I did it by hand… instructions were very easy to follow

Evelyn - January 17, 2022

Great idea. Tried to download pattern but all I got was a blank page.

    Helen - January 17, 2022

    Perhaps your browser is blocking the pop-up where you can enter your email and name to get the file.
    Can you try a different device or browser? If not, send me an email and I’ll send you the pattern


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