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DIY Reusable Swiffer Mop Pads (Wet or Dry) | How to Make Swiffer Pads

Forget about buying swiffer pads from the store and just make your own DIY swiffer pads. These reusable swiffer pads are easy to make, don’t require a lot of time, and they are very affordable. Dirt cheap when you compare them to the ones from the store.

Not to mention that they are the way more environmentally friendly option. You’ll reduce the waste you leave behind and make your contribution to discouraging the industry that harms the environment. This project is simple enough for almost anyone to make it, so there’s no real reason why you shouldn’t try it out if you’re using swiffer pads.

reusable mop pads

Just follow this step by step tutorial and you’ll have your DIY swiffer pads in no time. First, I’ll show you how to make the standard wet or dry pads, and then I’ll show you how to make the super easy 1 minute wet swiffer pads.

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How to make swiffer pads

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reusable mop cover supplies

DOWNLOAD: Reusable Mop pad pattern (Free PDF file)

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How To Sew Reusable Mop Covers

Watch the diy swiffer pads video first and then follow the written step by step instructions below.
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DIY Reusable Swiffer Pads VIDEO TUTORIAL


STEP 1: Prepare the pattern for using (or make one)

Download the reusable swiffer pads pattern and then print it out at 100% size. Tape the 2 sheets together as indicated. Trim the excess paper.

TIP: How to make your own pattern – If you don’t have a printer, don’t worry. You can make it from scratch very easily. All you need is a mopper head, a large piece of paper, a pen, a ruler, and a pair of scissors.
Spread out the paper and place the mopper head in the center. Draw around it. Then measure out about a half an inch around the box you just drew. This will represent the seam allowance. Now mark where the moper pole is located with two dots, on the longer edge of the outer box you drew. The dots should be apart from each other as much as the pole is thick. Do this on both sides of the box. Add about half of an inch more to those markings, both up and down from each dot. This is where the flaps of the swiffer wet pads will start.
Draw two lines perpendicular to the outer box you drew, connecting the flap markings with the edge of the paper. Make this on both sides of the box. Cut out the paper between those lines, on both sides. Your pattern should look like a big letter H once you finish. Fold the pattern in half lenghtwise.

STEP 2: Cut out the fabrics

Fold the fabric in half and place the pattern on the fold. Now cut out both the towel and the cotton fabric piece you have prepared.

Put them on top of each other, right sides together. Align the edges and secure the fabrics with pins or clips. Leave a 2-3 inch opening for turning the swiffer cover inside out later.

STEP 3: Start sewing the DIY reusable swiffer pads

Sew all around the swiffer pad with a 3/8 inch seam. Leave a 3 inch opening unstitched on one of the sides of the pad to turn the whole thing through.

STEP 4: Turn around

Clip the corners and cut slits to allow the whole thing to lay flat

After that, turn the pad inside-out through the opening you left. Push the corners out as well.

STEP 5: Press

Fold the unstitched edge inwards a bit. Press the entire pad well with your iron.

STEP 6: Sew around

Sew all around the pad one more time. Make sure to catch the unstitched edge in the process to close it shut. You can also stitch a rectangle in the middle of the pad to secure the layers in place.

STEP 7: Secure the layers in place

You can also stitch a rectangle in the middle of the pad to secure the layers in place.

STEP 8: Sew on the velcro

All that remains is to sew on the velcro straps. Put a pair or each of the flaps. Don’t forget, the flaps overlap! Two straps go on the right side of the pad while their corresponding pairs go on the opposite wrong side. I’d like to place to top velcros about 1/2 from the tostitching seam and then just estimate the placement of the corresponding velcros

Bonus: DIY solution for the wet pads

I like to keep my pads in top form with this little recipe. Mix 1 cup of water, 1 cup of vinegar, 4 drops of lemon essential oil, 1 tablespoon of dish soap, and soak the pads a bit in them.

You can use this solution to clean your bathroom floors or kitchen tiles with the pads beautifully.

Other Easy OPTIONS:

  1. Super easy 1 minute wet mop pad:Another alternative is to make a DIY reusable pad that’s almost identical to the disposable ones. Take your old disposable pad and place it on top of the towel. Then cut out the towel according to the dimensions of the disposable. You can use fleece, cotton, or an old towel. Zig-zag stitch all around the pad. This will prevent the edges from fraying so you can use it multiple times. I like stacking these in a container and pouring the solution on top of them. I just grab one from the container when I need to mop.

swiffer wet pads step by step

  1. No-sew alternative Get a piece of fleece fabric that won’t fray. Then print out or make the pattern for the swiffer pads.Use our pattern as a guideline and cut out the fleece. Then just glue the velcro straps instead of sewing them on. You can also get those stick-on velcros for fabric. Make sure to align the pairs well or your pad won’t stay on tightly.

What do you think about this tutorial? Were you able to make your own DIY swiffer pads with its help? If you have any ideas for improving this project, let us know in the comment section. Have fun cleaning with your new environmentally friendly swiffer pads!

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DIY Reusable mop pad (tutorial+ VIDEO)

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Click Here to Leave a Comment Below 20 comments
Joanne - August 13, 2020

Thanks for sharing this tutorial with us at Encouraging Hearts and Home. Pinned.

    Helen - August 14, 2020

    thanks, Joanne. Glad you liked it

    Nicky Oguin - August 21, 2020

    Terrific article

jenna - August 17, 2020

Great post – I have been trying to avoid single use items, so when my boyfriend and I moved into our new apartment (that is fully wood floors!) we decided to buy a steam mop with a washable pad. Very similar to these pads! 🙂 Thanks for sharing!
Jenna ♥
Stay in touch? Life of an Earth Muffin

Michelle - August 18, 2020

What a great idea! Thanks for sharing with Creative Compulsions.


Katrina | ChatterFox - August 19, 2020

Great tutorial. Really handy to know how to make these as they are so expensive to replace.

Katrina x

Laura Walters - August 20, 2020

We are so excited that you participated! Thank you for sharing your creativity! This is so cool!

    Helen - August 20, 2020

    I’m glad you liked the reusable swiffer mops!

Beth Watson - August 20, 2020

Thank you for participating in our linky party!

    Helen - August 20, 2020

    Thank you, Beth. It’s my pleasure

Meg Daves - August 20, 2020

What a great addition to our linky party! We are so happy to have you!

    Helen - August 20, 2020

    Thank you so much for the warm welcome, Meg! I’m so happy I found you

Ann Butler - August 20, 2020

Thank you so much for sharing!

    Helen - August 20, 2020

    You are welcome, Ann

Nancy - August 23, 2020

I love a project and this one looks so unseful! #kcacols

Ruth - November 6, 2020

I was so glad to find this pattern. The directions were excellent and I was able to make up two pads from old microfiber cloths and some cotton about an hour. It will go much faster now that I have made a couple. I prefer reusing rather than sending things to a landfill.

Linda - November 24, 2020

Thank you so much for this easy pattern. Fabric cleans so much better than those awfully wasteful throwaway mop heads!!! I am making several!

Brenda Leon - April 5, 2022

I just found your tutorials. I absolutely love everyone of them. They are easy for me to follow and are so cute. I am going to give the puppy clothing a try. They are so precious. Thank you.

    Helen - April 7, 2022

    Thank you Brenda, I appreciate your kind words. They mean a lot!

Jan - January 15, 2025

I made two of these a while back, the ones that fasten with velcro. The one I made with thicker lining works best but I use them both all the time. Much better than the pads they sell. Great tutorial.


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